First performance, Li’l Andy at the Trèfle Noir. A tall guy playing country music. It starts late. There’s a performance next door. Either the music is too loud at Le Cachottier or one establishment doesn’t want to compete with the other. Anyhow, turns out, it’s worth the wait. Backed by two musicians, Joe Grass on pedal-steel and Josh Toal on bass, the live act is great.


I’ve seen Li’l Andy play more than a year ago at the Petit Campus. Enjoyed it but was somewhat bothered by some pitch problems. This time, everything is perfect. A few from the crowd start line dancing. One of them has an Iron Maiden t-shirt on. Country music is universal as long as it’s good.

Left the performance early though for the Cabaret de la dernière chance where Philemon Cimon was set to play. Problem was the place was an oven, way too hot inside. Stayed mostly outside.

Later at the Petit Théâtre du Vieux Noranda, Poni finishes its set. I like them but I find there’s not enough emphasis on voice. Start getting dizzy as they’re playing. I realize I haven’t taken my medication this morning. The only reason I’m mentioning this is that I had an interesting conversation with the shuttle drivers on the ride to and from my motel. They tell me how Rouyn-Noranda used to be two separate towns while mining was active. Miners in Rouyn divided from employers in Noranda. One town rich while the other poor. Nowadays, since mining has ceased and the two towns have merged, Rouyn property is more expensive than Noranda property. Also, they mentioned one side was French while the other was English. Don’t know if that last part’s accurate though.

Back at the Petit Théâtre, am able to catch the end of Ponctuation’s performance. Have always enjoyed watching them play. Only three on stage. It’s plenty.






Duchess Says later. Same theatre. Am extremely eager. Turns out it’s the event of the long weekend. Absolutely adore lead singer Annie-Claude Deschênes. Amazed with her presence on stage and her ability to interact with the crowd. Uses her hands to direct us. Her eyes keep telling us she wants more.



Asking the crowd to step on stage.



Crowd surfing.

Am burned after that, phone is almost dead. Ready to go to bed. Don’t get to go to the motel though for reasons out of my control. End up talking to bizarre strangers. One girl, very nice though, talks to me about her dreams in life. Another guy I spoke to ends up stealing my ride home. I call the shuttle service a second time to come pick me up in front of the Cabaret de la dernière chance. Wait what feels like an hour. Have time to eaves drop the smokers. Something went wrong at the Cabaret but don’t know what exactly. They are whispering and have a French accent. Give up waiting for the shuttle there. Buy a poutine at Morasse. Call the service again. End up in bed late with the poutine in hand. I sleep well.

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About The Author

Collaborator - RREVERB

China used to avoid going to shows because she felt uncomfortable in crowds. Then in 2005 a friend convinced her to go to a White Stripes concert. That changed everything. In an ongoing attempt to recapture that magical moment, she has become an avid concert-goer and decided last fall to share those experiences in her personal blog. She is happy to join the RREVERB team to further share her love of the music scene.