There is something charming about the way Lola Marsh‘s music gets under your skin. At first, it may sound thin, and maybe some songs aren’t memorable, but it’s just an illusion. Singer Yael Shoshana Cohen’s small voice with a thick accent produces beautiful melodies, and you find yourself singing along. Her partner Gil Landau plays guitars, while all the band softly sings harmonies.

With beautiful flower arrangements on stage, soft back vocals and smooth guitar effects, Lola Marsh seemed ready to bring the audience of l’Astral in an early Morrissey-type of mood, but rapidly things picked up on a rocker pace. Lola Marsh sounded more like indie-emo bands à la Travis than hazy ensembles like Mazzy Star after all!

jazz 2017 Lola Marsh 2 CrNicoP

(photo Nico Pelletier)

The band, formed in 2013 and originated from Tel Aviv in Israel, has been touring for a month before reaching Montreal at the Jazz Fest for their first gig ever in Canada. It showed: the show was strong, well-run and wisely paced to alternate smoother songs around punchier ones. Mati Gilad was on bass, Rami Osservaser on the second guitar and Dekel Dvir on drums.



LOLA MARSH were playing at l’Astral on Friday June 30, 2017, at the Montreal International Jazz Festival.

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Mélomane invétéré plongeant dans tous les genres et époques, Nicolas Pelletier a publié 6 000 critiques de disques et concerts depuis 1991, dont 1100 chez emoragei magazine et 600 sur, dont il a également été le rédacteur en chef de 2009 à 2014. Il publie "Les perles rares et grands crus de la musique" en 2013, lance le site RREVERB en 2014, et devient stratège numérique des radios de Bell Média en 2015, participant au lancement de la marque iHeartRadio au Canada en 2016. Il dirige maintenant la stratégie numérique d'ICI Musique, la radio musicale de Radio-Canada.