As soon as the song Sometimes starts and you hear Oscar’s voice, you go: “OMG he sounds so much like Morrissey!” Oscar’s music is much more happy and upbeat than all The Smiths or the Moz himself ever did (Be Good) but there’s an obvious parenthood with the famous English band of the 80s and their descendants, from Stone Roses to Blur to Arctic Monkeys.

There is also some links to make with fun party bands à la B-52’s on Oscar Scheller’s debut album. The young Londoner brings a happy mood band even through his thick English accent that always seems to bring a certain dose of melancholy (Good Things).


“Cut and Paste” is a very enjoyable album. Songs have strong melodies, which grow into you as you listen to the album. Kind of also reminds me of early albums from Travis or Stone Roses, with an even popper feel. On the very nice Only Friends, the soft voice of an unidentified lady brings a little (platonic) romance in the whole thing.

Don’t expect a revolutionary album or something that will blow your mind by its originality. Simply take it for what it is: a solid album of good catchy songs, that are perfect to hit the road with, and you’ll listen to Oscar dozens of times.


Cut and Paste
(Wichita Records, 2016)

-Genre: pop rock
-In the same style as Stones Roses, Blur, and a happy Morrissey, Jay Jay Johanson

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Mélomane invétéré plongeant dans tous les genres et époques, Nicolas Pelletier a publié 6 000 critiques de disques et concerts depuis 1991, dont 1100 chez emoragei magazine et 600 sur, dont il a également été le rédacteur en chef de 2009 à 2014. Il publie "Les perles rares et grands crus de la musique" en 2013, lance le site RREVERB en 2014, et devient stratège numérique des radios de Bell Média en 2015, participant au lancement de la marque iHeartRadio au Canada en 2016. Il dirige maintenant la stratégie numérique d'ICI Musique, la radio musicale de Radio-Canada.