Siskiyou hasn’t released an album since 2011’s “Keep Away The Dead”. During those silent years, the singer and songwriter Colin Huebert had been diagnosed with hyperacusis. A health condition which causes over-sensitivity of certain ambient noise, depending on the frequency. Regardless of this condition, “Nervous”, Siskiyou’s third album, was released earlier this year to much acclamation.

The music is darker than what you would find on the previous albums. But oh so beautiful.

Colin Huebert started suffering severe anxiety due to his illness and, whether it was intentional or not, you can feel the disquietude in his voice. Especially in Bank Accounts and Dollar Bills (Give Peace a Chance). 

I can’t talk about this album without mentioning the vinyl and it’s packaging. I’m a sucker for LP’s and this one’s a beauty. The 180g vinyl has a black inner sleeve. On the cover of the matte outer sleeve you’ll find a black ink drawing resembling a Rorschach drawing. I see a face. The title of the album is on the back cover.


What thrills me the most are the three artworks included inside. Ink drawings similar to the one you’ll find on the cover. I took no time in hanging them on my bedroom wall.


The original artwork was done by artist Michael Drebert. An artist known for his written posters.

Michael Drebert, To Cumshewa, 2010, ink on paper. Installation view at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Photo by Pardeep Singh.

Michael Drebert, To Cumshewa, 2010, ink on paper. Installation view at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Photo by Pardeep Singh.

The only downside is the absence of written lyrics with the album. It’s a small inconvenience though, considering everything else. All in all you should quit surfing the internet (just for a little while) and go purchase the LP. You won’t regret it.




(Constellation Records, 2015)

– Genre: indie rock music
– The eccentricities of Arcade Fire and Chad VanGaalen, the tranquility of Timber Timbre. With one of a kind voice.

Link to iTunes


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About The Author

Collaborator - RREVERB

China used to avoid going to shows because she felt uncomfortable in crowds. Then in 2005 a friend convinced her to go to a White Stripes concert. That changed everything. In an ongoing attempt to recapture that magical moment, she has become an avid concert-goer and decided last fall to share those experiences in her personal blog. She is happy to join the RREVERB team to further share her love of the music scene.