Now let’s take a look at the second half of semi-final 1 of the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest

BOJANA STAMENOV Beauty Never Lies (Serbia)

I really don’t feel strongly either way about this entry. I do like the fact the instrumentation of the song itself is different from most bog-standard pop songs, however the singer leaves a lot to be desired and it sounds like she is straining on some of the higher, longer notes. As for the title…, really? Are you quite sure?

BOGGIE Wars For Nothing (Hungary)

This song is simplistically excellent. A very soft guitar accompaniment allows the beauty of the vocalists and lyrics to shine. It just doesn’t need more. A gentle song with a powerful message for this day and age.
While it might not be upbeat enough to gain supporters, it would be a real shame for such a treasure not to make it into the grand final. Hungary should be very proud of this entry.

UZARI&MAIMUNA Time (Belarus)

This is a fun song. The stunning violin towards the end of the piece really makes this stand out as a grand final choice. A snappy beat and a chorus you can sing along to don’t hurt either. An excellent offering from Belarus.

POLINA GAGARINA A Million Voices (Russia)

As I pointed out in my review of the first half of semi-final 1, it can be difficult for the contest not to become political. Last year Russia’s representatives, a pair of 17 year old twin girls, were loudly booed by some members of the audience. This was thought to be a reaction to the country’s actions in the Ukraine and their stance on LGBT rights.
It needs to be said that I don’t dislike this entry. I think it is a beautiful song, and Polina’s voice is magical. However, for Russia to field a song that clearly advocates piece and love between all people,…well, I really can’t get past the hypocrisy to enjoy the music. But I will stop ranting about that and just move on, shall I?

ANTI SOCIAL MEDIA The Way You Are (Denmark)

And here’s another boring, middle-of-the-road pop song, courtesy of Denmark. While it has a great tempo, that is probably the best thing it has going for it. Musically it is bland, the backup singers are annoying and the lead singer even more so. Too much of this reminds me of other songs and there is just nothing that makes it stand out against some of the other entries.

ELHAIDA DANI I’m Alive (Albania)

In spite of the fact that this was another song where I had some difficulty understanding the English lyrics, I do enjoy this entry. The singer has a sweet voice and conveys such emotion.
I believe it lacks the strength to make the top 10, but it is definitely worth a place in the grand final.

VOLTAJ De La Capat/ All Over Again (Romania)

I have a lot of respect for those countries that choose to be represented by a song predominantly in their national language, rather than using the lingua franca of the masses in order to gain votes. Romanian is a beautiful language and this really is a nice song. Sadly, the fact that it is not entirely in English will probably be it’s downfall when it comes to the voting. I am certainly not alone in wishing that the rule about using national languages could be brought back to give songs like this more of a chance.

NINA SUBLATTI Warrior (Georgia)

This is probably the best entry I have seen from Georgia so far in Eurovision. A very powerful vocalist with quite a strong song to match. I particularly love the pounding drum beat.
It’s strong enough to carry Georgia to the grand final, I say.

Semi-final 1 takes place on Tuesday 19 May at 21:00-23:00 CEST.

For more information on Eurovision 2015 visit the Eurovision official site

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About The Author

Collaborator - RREVERB

Singer-songwriter Galileo Griffin has travelled the world collecting all kinds of music along the way. Originally from Australia, she now resides in Stockholm, Sweden, where she presents a weekly world music radio programme and haunts various concerts, open mic nights and jam sessions in this creative city. She has a passion for music of all kinds and can find something to appreciate in almost every genre from classical to pop. She joins the RREVERB team to share her enthusiasm for one of the few artforms that knows no borders and speaks all languages.