ALICE IN CHAINS “Black Gives Way To Blue”

Alice in Chains was one of the top grunge acts in the early 90s, alongside Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, defining the Seattle sound. The band’s sound was heavier than the others, with typical double voice singing from guitarist Jerry Cantrell and lead singer Layne Stanley. The latter had heroin problems that prevent the band from playing in 1996, eventually leading to his death in 2002.

In 2006, the band toured with new full-time vocalist William DuVall, with whom they recorded their two latest albums “Black Gives Way to Blue” (2009) and the strong “The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here” (2013).

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About The Author

Mélomane invétéré plongeant dans tous les genres et époques, Nicolas Pelletier a publié 6 000 critiques de disques et concerts depuis 1991, dont 1100 chez emoragei magazine et 600 sur, dont il a également été le rédacteur en chef de 2009 à 2014. Il publie "Les perles rares et grands crus de la musique" en 2013, lance le site RREVERB en 2014, et devient stratège numérique des radios de Bell Média en 2015, participant au lancement de la marque iHeartRadio au Canada en 2016. Il dirige maintenant la stratégie numérique d'ICI Musique, la radio musicale de Radio-Canada.