Not one but two albums for ISLANDS coming up! News Release from Redeye Distribution - January 28, 2016 - Islands will return this spring with not one, but TWO new...
DONOVAN WOODS – The Woodman’s Vulnerability I first became aware of Ontario-born singer-songwriter Donovan Woods through an UNCUT Magazine Cd Sampler that featured...
HA HA TONKA – The New Model Formerly known as Amsterband up until 2007, Ha Ha Tonka is a band originally formed in West Plains, Missouri in 2005....
OSCAR – The Happy Londoner As soon as the song Sometimes starts and you hear Oscar's voice, you go: "OMG he sounds so much like Morrissey!"...
Get on the road to OSHEAGA To celebrate its 10 year anniversary, Virgin Mobile presents Osheaga Music & Arts Festival in collaboration with...
VOLCAN TRIO – Pure Freedom! The supergroup formed by pianist Gonzalo Rubalcaba, bassist Armando Gola and drummer Horacio “el Negro” Hernandez...
Three Sides to Every Story (Or What It’s Like to Be SchizoPHONIC) Sometimes I feel schizophrenic. Let me rephrase that, I feel schizophonic. As in, I don’t know which language to...
13th Edition of the Montreal REGGAE Festival News Release from the Festival - Montreal, June 6, 2016 - On August 26, 27 and 28, the Montreal International Reggae...